Louis Vuitton watches is very different from other brands, while the designers give exclaimed repeated by all means. Last week's New Arrival Tambour has gone so far as to make the sun as a compass stone. The Women's Tambour interspersed Malthus uses the color of the diamonds, and the watch has really become a modern art.
Louis Vuitton is more than a brand-name of the ladies, and now even the men will not put it down. LV watch is a good example to shock us in breaking all the design restrictions, every time we check the watch it seems to be a modern art. In the preview of this time in Hong Kong, The Women's Tambour Which will debut during this year's Christmas still use the diamond Monogram Figure Eucalyptus, and after the new deployment of the color, the watch looks like a diamond LV drum.
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Tambour series is also available specifically for the Chinese people as the two of them red style Fizzy Heart and Tambour Tambour Monogram Hologram, and the drilling eccentric design uses a diamond version Eucalyptus diagram just like stars in the night sky, the sky with a little flush , the time pointer like a beam across the sky. Even if the network wholly Tambour Monogram Hologram, there is a diamond in the location of the bridge table, low-key and a little unusual. It should be noted that there is the Tambour 18 Croissant ION Which has added fluorescent diamonds on the surface of the table last year, in the UV irradiation, the diamond will issue slightly green, and this year LVhas so adopted the precious stones of so many different colors, Under normal circumstances, you will not see a difference between the two kinds of diamonds, but in the flash moment, the different colors have different spectral refraction and illusion.
As for the men's Tambour, as long as you have the watch alignment to the sun, it will be able to measure the direction (of course you can also see with the naked eye!). You can adjust the table rotational position of the sun stone, or country whichever direction you are, as long as the direction of the sun stone targeting the sun you can identify where you are according to the Wheel pointer.
The Emprise Which series has introduced last year by the excellent design of Marc Jacobs reverberate into the most Classic of rectangular ruby design to create an elegant atmosphere and a strong retro feel. It is worth mentioning that this year the new Emprise has four sizes, including diamonds, rubies, pink diamonds, pink sapphire.